
Harewood Downs Golf Club


at Harewood Downs

We are indebted to Malcolm Barker, a Member of Harewood Downs Golf Club, for allowing us to publish the following extracts from his book Harewood Downs -  The Early Years.

In the introduction to his book, Malcolm acknowledged the great contribution made by a number of people in the preparation of this historical overview of the Golf Club. These include the late Walter Butterworth, who carried out extensive research in 1979; he was aided by the late Laurie Brazier, the late Eric Orbell and Laurie Lawrence. David Langdon, that doyen of satirical cartoonists whose contributions greatly enhance the book and these website pages. Don Williams who provided great help in investigating the original layout of the course and for his help in designing and preparing the book for publication.

When Malcolm commenced researching the history of Harewood Downs Golf Club, it was his intention to trace its one hundred-year history up to its centenary in the year 2007. As he poured through old and, unfortunately, far from complete minute books and associated records it became apparent that it was the early years of the Club that were so much more interesting and, at times, so much more amusing...

Copies of the book are available from the Office priced at £10. 

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